Assorted Rubbish
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Helloooo fellow purveyors of the MoMU blog!
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
I realize we have not had a non-event-promoting post for quite some time. Whatudu lar, you try running a club, catching up on all the lectures youskipped this semester missed with good reason, and doing final assessments AND making time to blog pointlessly! Busy can die....urgh
Anyhoots, since I've been a good girl and finished one of my assignments today, thought I just might update you kaypoh people on a few behind-the-scenes goings on here in MoMUland *nods*
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
We've got a few more days of interviews to go for the eager co-optees (yes I have just invented a new word. I *heart* Manglish), and for the most part all the Directors have already scrutinized, pored over and chosen the ones they confirm sure want. Those luckay boys and girls should've already received emails from Intrepid Secretary Suvs...and to those who didn't make it, please feel free to grab us by the neck and ask us WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!
Or perhaps make peace not war and just shoot us back an email....request a second interview if you're not happy with us for any reason. We here are a reasonable, cheery and good looking bunch after all *grin*
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
Everythang pretty much went smoothly with the interviews aside from a mini-emergency where our esteemed Liaisons Director forgot to bring his questions with him. In contrast, Su Ann the Activities Director printed out some super-high-tech evaluation sheet which had
(or something like that)
at the bottom. Scary la that woman.
Last Friday we had a record-breakingly looong committee meeting - 5 hours straight yo! On the agenda was my report about how VSU will impact on us next year....*sidetracks into rant*
I really cannot tahan this la
Two of the exco must join Union membership
If too few MoMU members join Union, we get zero grants! Zilch, nil, NADA.
Got a lot of new ma fan paperwork to do WHY ON EARTH DID THE GOVERNMENT IMPOSE VSU?!
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
Yes la yes la freedom of choice and all
But it's killing campus life also
And if the Union gets no money, MoMU also gets no support from them
Sadness can die :(
*end rant*
...reports on how plans for the Fiesta and our kuih stall are coming along, debates over whether to take part in next semester's new MUOSS event (too little time to plan, many many complications. Took almost an hour to decide whether to take part or not. Grrh was damn hungry that time summore) and also a review of our planned Calendar of Events for next year. Yes, we've planned out our activities for next year already! Are we not the most diligent of clubs *beams*
Halfway our meeting was interrupted by kaypoh MUOSS people who couldn't stay away from our happening committee
And also people who wanted to give Suvs her first birthday present of the day!
(I think if I tell you guys what it is she'll kill me. Compromising her professionalism and all. So...ask her la if you wanna know. Heehee)
I think if i go on too long August is going to cucuk me for spamming the blog with rubbish. So one last thing before I go! If you haven't already noticed, I have been sending subliminal messages such as this one
*come to fiesta. buy our kuih*
to you all throughout this post. So now you HAVE to come. Because your subconscious will compel you to. Click *here* to find out more about Fiesta and our MoMU kuih stall.
I KNOW it's this Sat, which is like damn close to Swot Vac. I KNOW you have to study, I also have to study la chiuuu....but since it's gonna be on the whole day, why not just pop over, buy some cheap Malaysian food (also got satay, nasi campur, pandan chicken and curry puff!) THEN scamper home to study laaa? Everyone still needs to eat riiiighhtt....corner Swanston and Collins only....take tram few stops dah reach come and support MoMU la ok? There's more than enough for you to buy stacks of kuih to lug home for housemates and such...or to hoard as study snacks. Sooo....come to Fiesta buy kuih hoh!
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
I realize we have not had a non-event-promoting post for quite some time. Whatudu lar, you try running a club, catching up on all the lectures you
Anyhoots, since I've been a good girl and finished one of my assignments today, thought I just might update you kaypoh people on a few behind-the-scenes goings on here in MoMUland *nods*
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
We've got a few more days of interviews to go for the eager co-optees (yes I have just invented a new word. I *heart* Manglish), and for the most part all the Directors have already scrutinized, pored over and chosen the ones they confirm sure want. Those luckay boys and girls should've already received emails from Intrepid Secretary Suvs...and to those who didn't make it, please feel free to grab us by the neck and ask us WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!
Or perhaps make peace not war and just shoot us back an email....request a second interview if you're not happy with us for any reason. We here are a reasonable, cheery and good looking bunch after all *grin*
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
Everythang pretty much went smoothly with the interviews aside from a mini-emergency where our esteemed Liaisons Director forgot to bring his questions with him. In contrast, Su Ann the Activities Director printed out some super-high-tech evaluation sheet which had
(or something like that)
at the bottom. Scary la that woman.
Last Friday we had a record-breakingly looong committee meeting - 5 hours straight yo! On the agenda was my report about how VSU will impact on us next year....*sidetracks into rant*
I really cannot tahan this la
Two of the exco must join Union membership
If too few MoMU members join Union, we get zero grants! Zilch, nil, NADA.
Got a lot of new ma fan paperwork to do WHY ON EARTH DID THE GOVERNMENT IMPOSE VSU?!
*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*
Yes la yes la freedom of choice and all
But it's killing campus life also
And if the Union gets no money, MoMU also gets no support from them
Sadness can die :(
*end rant*
...reports on how plans for the Fiesta and our kuih stall are coming along, debates over whether to take part in next semester's new MUOSS event (too little time to plan, many many complications. Took almost an hour to decide whether to take part or not. Grrh was damn hungry that time summore) and also a review of our planned Calendar of Events for next year. Yes, we've planned out our activities for next year already! Are we not the most diligent of clubs *beams*
Halfway our meeting was interrupted by kaypoh MUOSS people who couldn't stay away from our happening committee
And also people who wanted to give Suvs her first birthday present of the day!
(I think if I tell you guys what it is she'll kill me. Compromising her professionalism and all. So...ask her la if you wanna know. Heehee)
I think if i go on too long August is going to cucuk me for spamming the blog with rubbish. So one last thing before I go! If you haven't already noticed, I have been sending subliminal messages such as this one
*come to fiesta. buy our kuih*
to you all throughout this post. So now you HAVE to come. Because your subconscious will compel you to. Click *here* to find out more about Fiesta and our MoMU kuih stall.
I KNOW it's this Sat, which is like damn close to Swot Vac. I KNOW you have to study, I also have to study la chiuuu....but since it's gonna be on the whole day, why not just pop over, buy some cheap Malaysian food (also got satay, nasi campur, pandan chicken and curry puff!) THEN scamper home to study laaa? Everyone still needs to eat riiiighhtt....corner Swanston and Collins only....take tram few stops dah reach come and support MoMU la ok? There's more than enough for you to buy stacks of kuih to lug home for housemates and such...or to hoard as study snacks. Sooo....come to Fiesta buy kuih hoh!
"*cucuk* =)"
"Make sure your food doesn't make me go to the toilets often...
Can't wait!"
"oh yes beach picnic pictures. i need them! otherwise su vyn is gonna kill me"
"why everyone say i will kill them wan???"
"haha... you got me at the second subconscious link... unfortunately... I work weekends, so I will have to miss out on ur yum yum kuih again...ok, maybe not again, but this time."