Malaysians of Melbourne University MoMU: October 2006

October 31

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

by the MoMU gang

Trick or treat?

Assorted Rubbish

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Helloooo fellow purveyors of the MoMU blog!

*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*

I realize we have not had a non-event-promoting post for quite some time. Whatudu lar, you try running a club, catching up on all the lectures you skipped this semester missed with good reason, and doing final assessments AND making time to blog pointlessly! Busy can die....urgh

The Jalur Gemilang sun tanning during our Beach Picnic

Anyhoots, since I've been a good girl and finished one of my assignments today, thought I just might update you kaypoh people on a few behind-the-scenes goings on here in MoMUland *nods*

*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*

We've got a few more days of interviews to go for the eager co-optees (yes I have just invented a new word. I *heart* Manglish), and for the most part all the Directors have already scrutinized, pored over and chosen the ones they confirm sure want. Those luckay boys and girls should've already received emails from Intrepid Secretary Suvs...and to those who didn't make it, please feel free to grab us by the neck and ask us WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!


Or perhaps make peace not war and just shoot us back an email....request a second interview if you're not happy with us for any reason. We here are a reasonable, cheery and good looking bunch after all *grin*

*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*

Our picnic! Perfect weather, pizza, hot Coke (yep) and good company. Let's go again!

Everythang pretty much went smoothly with the interviews aside from a mini-emergency where our esteemed Liaisons Director forgot to bring his questions with him. In contrast, Su Ann the Activities Director printed out some super-high-tech evaluation sheet which had

(or something like that)

at the bottom. Scary la that woman.

Last Friday we had a record-breakingly looong committee meeting - 5 hours straight yo! On the agenda was my report about how VSU will impact on us next year....*sidetracks into rant*

I really cannot tahan this la
Two of the exco must join Union membership
If too few MoMU members join Union, we get zero grants! Zilch, nil, NADA.
Got a lot of new ma fan paperwork to do WHY ON EARTH DID THE GOVERNMENT IMPOSE VSU?!

*come to Fiesta. buy our kuih*

Yes la yes la freedom of choice and all
But it's killing campus life also
And if the Union gets no money, MoMU also gets no support from them
Sadness can die :(

*end rant*

...reports on how plans for the Fiesta and our kuih stall are coming along, debates over whether to take part in next semester's new MUOSS event (too little time to plan, many many complications. Took almost an hour to decide whether to take part or not. Grrh was damn hungry that time summore) and also a review of our planned Calendar of Events for next year. Yes, we've planned out our activities for next year already! Are we not the most diligent of clubs *beams*

We don't just run MoMU, we give good massages too.

Halfway our meeting was interrupted by kaypoh MUOSS people who couldn't stay away from our happening committee
And also people who wanted to give Suvs her first birthday present of the day!
(I think if I tell you guys what it is she'll kill me. Compromising her professionalism and all. So...ask her la if you wanna know. Heehee)

I think if i go on too long August is going to cucuk me for spamming the blog with rubbish. So one last thing before I go! If you haven't already noticed, I have been sending subliminal messages such as this one

*come to fiesta. buy our kuih*

to you all throughout this post. So now you HAVE to come. Because your subconscious will compel you to. Click *here* to find out more about Fiesta and our MoMU kuih stall.

I KNOW it's this Sat, which is like damn close to Swot Vac. I KNOW you have to study, I also have to study la chiuuu....but since it's gonna be on the whole day, why not just pop over, buy some cheap Malaysian food (also got satay, nasi campur, pandan chicken and curry puff!) THEN scamper home to study laaa? Everyone still needs to eat riiiighhtt....corner Swanston and Collins only....take tram few stops dah reach come and support MoMU la ok? There's more than enough for you to buy stacks of kuih to lug home for housemates and such...or to hoard as study snacks. Sooo....come to Fiesta buy kuih hoh!

  • "*cucuk* =)"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 am  
  • "Make sure your food doesn't make me go to the toilets often...

    Can't wait!"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:08 am  
  • "oh yes beach picnic pictures. i need them! otherwise su vyn is gonna kill me"

    by Blogger miszmilk, at 9:50 pm  
  • "why everyone say i will kill them wan???"

    by Blogger selfless su, at 2:59 am  
  • "haha... you got me at the second subconscious link... unfortunately... I work weekends, so I will have to miss out on ur yum yum kuih again...ok, maybe not again, but this time."

    by Blogger ChilliBike, at 1:58 am  
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MoMU Stall @ Fiesta Malaysia

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hello ah everybody!

How is everyone doing ah? Very good I am sure but I am also very sure that you would be better if you were to buy some kuih from the MoMU stall at Fiesta Malaysia! Yes ah, we are not only a co-organiser of Fiesta Malaysia but also a stall owner providing locals and Malaysians in Melbourne a taste of our 'Malaysian cakes'!!

If you were at our Festival of Nations stall, you would have had a taste of the kuih we sold. However, this time round, there would be even more variety!!

Anyway, about our MoMU Stall at Fiesta Malaysia, proceed to lah!

~With Deepavali and Hari Raya Aidilfitri here, I am feeling so Malaysian that I just had to add in the Malaysian accent! I just can't help it!! >.<

Fiesta Malaysia would be held at City Square (Corner Swanston St & Collins St) on the 28th October 2006. Uni has just ended and it is time to stock up on some finger food while you study!! So come lah and support us!! The events start from 11am till 4pm. So, hope to see you guys there!!

Happy Deepavali (Oct 21) & Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Oct 23)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

MoMU wishes everyone
Happy Deepavali
Happy Deepavali
Happy Deepavali
- October 21 2006 -

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
- October 23 2006 -

(edit) I know we're missing out on Malaysian TV. But hey, check out the Petronas ads for Deepavali and Hari Raya!! Selamat Menyambut Hari Deepavali dan Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

On a side note.. Re-enrolment

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It is time for you to log on to Student Information System and re-enrol for 2007! Yes, it's that time of the year for you to put aside your books and stop studying for awhile and consider what subjects you would be taking next year.

Re-enrolment dates for 2007 : Monday 16 October - Saturday 25 November

Anyway, make sure you plan this ahead and keep a copy of your course plan somewhere so that you would not have to spend time plotting out your whole course plan once again next year.

Happy Re-enrolling!

Malaysian Students Association MSA-RMIT

Monday, October 16, 2006

MSA-RMIT has a new website and it is a blog right here at blogspot as well! The Malaysian Societies in Victoria are all certainly taking a new approach to online publicity.. Blogging..

Anyway, check out the all new MSA-RMIT's website at

  • "Arr Emm Aih Tee!!!
    malaysian assoc. is ....
    dormant.. so to speak...
    no.. really..
    hahahah... ive been in it for 2 years!!!!
    well.. fine theyre doing things but... the participation, the effort and the organisation itself is.. minimal... aihz..
    we need 2 start off with a bang!!
    like some strip partay or sumtin.."

    by Blogger WilZC, at 8:26 am  
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Mailbox 36

Monday, October 09, 2006

Any love letters, hate mails or even chain letters directed to MoMU can be mailed to

Mailbox 36
First Floor
Union House
University of Melbourne
Vic 3010

Yes, we have a mailbox in Union House!
For other means of contacting us, please refer to the Contact Us page.

So what's next?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fiesta Malaysia
"Open House"

brought to you by MASCA, KUAM, Malaysia Hall and MoMU =)

28th October (Sat)

City Square, Melbourne City
(Corner Swanston St and Collins St)

What time?
11am - 4pm

For more information, check out the website at :

Bringing a taste of Malaysia to the streets of Melbourne.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help out during the event (be it free labour, performing or in any other form) please email

  • "Be there or be square!! Very very happy to meet with the MoMu gang with the rest yesterday for the longest hour AGM in my life you all there !"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:33 am  
  • "Mmm...Paul's Susu Sing (pun intended) la la.."

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 pm  
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On a serious note.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

So, there I was, working on the certificates we were going to be putting up in our sponsor's stores after the break.

All of a sudden, our intrepid Secretary Suvs sent me this message on MSN:

selfless su says:

So I went over to the blog, and found 7 comments under Su Ann's beach picnic post. Unusual for our normally peaceful comment box. So I clicked on it, expecting...well, something less malicious than what I saw.

My first instinct was to FLAME BACK. Why not? If someone can make assumptions about the club, our integrity, our elections, our committee and our activities, why can't I make assumptions about him /her too?
Why can't I defend the club as aggressively as he/she attacked it?
Why can't I be a child too?

It took a while for those feelings to die down, and of course some online counselling from Suvs. But now, thinking about it, this doesn't need to be a bad thing. All famous blogs get flamed all the time. So this means that we're officially famous!

I suppose, for purposes of my dignity and as the club's President, I cannot take each and every jab he/she made at us and systematically tear it down on our blog. It is both beneath me and the club, and it is no longer necessary because, as I'm glad to see, several people have already done that job for us, which means more to the committee than I can say. But I will say this.

I understand that we cannot make everyone happy. I also understand that there might be things about the club that not everyone agrees with. Heck, even people within the committee don't always reach consensus (hence the long meetings *sigh*).

That's why we encourage feedback. If *someone* even bothered going to the Committee page (there I'll link it here even though its *right* there in the sidebar), he/she would see that every single one of us asked specifically for people to come up to us and give it to us straight (and we all wrote our profiles individually, at home, it's not like we had a template to follow).

Now, whether anyone takes the initiative to do that or not is beyond our control, but we have done what we can short of taking people by the neck and forcing feedback out of them.

Stooping as low as to criticize us for being on Blogger is, as one commentator has mentioned, purely ridiculous. Award winning journalists have blogs. Major newspapers have blogs. Why can't we?

Considering we've only been around for 3 months, and we don't even have an IT officer yet, I personally think having a nicely laid out blog is better than doing some noob website on Tripod or Geocities with scrolling marquees, Times New Roman font and millions of "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" signs plastered everywhere. In addition, rather than to confront you with an "official" website, we chose to use a blog to establish a more open and casual dialogue. This blog says that we are human. Students. Mostly broke. Struggling to cope with assignments and deadline. Individuals with different personalities, working together to shoulder the additional burden of getting a spanking new Malaysian club off its feet.

Anyone who thinks this is easy is, frankly, an idiot. We are not paid, neither are we professional event organizers or managers. We might smile and laugh when we see you at events, but in meetings we disagree, worry, have doubts and fears. We have Publicity, Liasion and Activities departments for a reason - there is a lot of work to be done in all these aspects. We go home and wonder if we can make this club into what we want it to be by the time our terms are over.

And you say we formed MoMU to party? That's more saddening then it is offensive.

Recently, we sent an email out asking for volunteers and people to come join the committee. I'm immeasurably glad to see the number of responses we got. Because really, what is the club without its members? Without you guys, all we have is a name. With you, we have a spirit. Your support tells us that all we have done has not been in vain.

If anyone has a problem with the club, please do not complain behind our backs or flame us without giving us the chance to hear you out and respond. Come do something about it. Talk to us. Join the committee. University is the last chance you'll have to really learn about yourself, your capabilities and your weaknesses. Do you want to spend at this time doing nothing but going to class, going home, and going out occasionally?

I apologize for the formal-ish tone of this post, and a hearty congratulations to those who have actually stayed awake to read it to the end. As you can tell, MoMU means a lot to me as it does to the rest of the committee.

  • "me personally thinks this came abit late...thought it was all well and over but guess things like that never settles...*cheers*"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:30 am  
  • "Hmm, a rather good follow up to the plea(ploy =p) for volunteers.

    Sneaky president XD"

    by Blogger ShouFarn, at 9:33 am  
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Help Wanted!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


See we at MoMU are very keen on providing as many services as possible to our beloved members. However, we being but mere uni students, are incapable of handling everything by ourselves :( Yaloh, yaloh, I know tis hard to believe, but we're far from supermen/superwomen. Sigh. Oh well.

So, we have a request to make of you guys. Please come help us la!!! :D


Co-opted Officers

Basically, we're looking for fun, enthusiastic, hardworking individuals to expand our current committee. (We plan to organise a LOT more activities for you guys in the future - hence the need for more manpower.)

Anyway, cutting to the chase, the positions we're looking to fill are as follows...
IT Officer (1 position)
Brief Job Description: Website design, Website maintenance, etc

Activities Officers (5 positions)
Brief Job Description: event organisation during MoMU activities

Liaisons Officers (3 positions)
Brief Job Description: networking with both internal and external parties on behalf of MoMU, (e.g. - searching for sponsors, representing us to MUOSS and other clubs, etc)

Publicity Officers (2 positions)
Brief Job Description: design and distribution of publicity materials

If any of you guys are interested in the above positions, do drop us an email at by next Wednesday (11 October 2006). We'll arrange a time for an interview and then work it out from there :D



If you guys are interested in simply helping us out, but are unable to commit to being a full time committee member, we're looking to build up a volunteer database too. For there will be events which will require more manpower than we actually have. And some help from you guys would be deeply appreciated *launches puppy dog eyes*

Anyway, basically with the volunteer database...what we do is just keep a record of all you kind and benevolent volunteers, and beg you guys for help whenever we need it loh. You guys will then be at liberty whether or not to help out in that particular instance. As always, we at MoMU are all about freedom and democracy :)

Anyhoo... if interested in becoming a volunteer, again, do drop us an email at with your contact details (ie name, email, mobile phone) us la, do us a good deed, and make the world a better place :D


On a side note...

MASCA Victoria, KUAM, the Malaysian Hall of Melbourne and MoMU are collaborating to organise a Fiesta Malaysia 'Open House' on October 28th, 2006. It will essentially be a large scale Malaysian festival, with the aim of promoting Malaysian culture, yummylicious Malaysian food, and of course and excellent opportunity for a celebration in conjunction with the Malaysian festivals of
Deepavali and Aidilfitri.

For more information about the Festival itself please do visit

Basically MoMU will be in charge of handling the food stalls, and we're at present in search of volunteers to help us out with that on the day itself. Should any of you be willing to assist your friendly neighbourhood Malaysian club, again, just drop us an email at

Anyway, we really do hope to hear from you guys. Ever eager to improve MoMU,we would really love to get more of you guys involved in the organisation stage :D So email us la!!! I eagerly await the floods of replies from all you wonderfully kind and helpful people :D

Oh oh, and to all those luverly people who have already volunteered themselves to help MoMU. Thankew verry verry muchly!!! :D May fortune smile upon you *grins widely*

Thanks and Toodles!!!

Su Vyn