Malaysians of Melbourne University MoMU: July 2007

Merdeka Spirit!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello everyone =)

This year is special. Is it not?

This coming 31st August, our beloved country will celebrate it's 50th birthday. For those of us down under, why should we miss out on the celebrations? We at MoMU will be working our socks off over the next month to plan a memorable night* befitting the occasion.

Who's handsome? Raise your hand!

So we asked ourselves, what do Malaysians really miss when we study abroad? Family? Nope. (Sorry mums and dads!) FOOD. So how does a buffet of Malaysian food sound?

(waits for response)

I thought so. But there will be more than just food. The night will be filled with fun performances and acts (that hopefully won't make you chuck food at us). Anyways, things are far from finalised so we are very much open to any suggestions.

So we reach out to you guys, hoping for some inspiration and enthusiasm. If you do have a light bulb-flickering moment, please share your idea with us via email or just drop a comment below! We are also looking for volunteers, be it simply to spread the word amongst fellow Malaysians, lend a hand or even to offer your performing skills (such as singing, dancing, juggling chainsaws etc).

Help us make it a night to remember. Mari kita menyambut hari kebangsaan bersama-sama!

*More details will be published as soon as possible. But no fireworks =( maybe we can stream from youtube.

P/S: Linkin Park will be performing in Melbourne on the 14th of October. If anyones going, let me know because I definitely am =D

  • "I want to help. Who do I contact?"

    by Blogger ltf ha, at 8:41 pm  
  • "Hello there! Email us at and leave us your personal details such as your name, phone number and email. Maybe use the title "Merdeka Night Volunteer" or smth. Thanks!"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 pm  
  • Post a Comment

Pizza Lunch Report!

Friday, July 27, 2007

"Now's not the time to practise traditional Malaysian lateness where food's involved. "

How so very true! This semester's FREE Pizza Lunch was just as successful as all our previous pizza lunch. Free mah! And which Malaysian can say no to free food?
By 11.30am, members flocked into the room to feast on the fresh pizzas that have just arrived. I've met old faces and new ones and I think I talked quite a lot. Anyway,I seem to have writer's block now so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

You can't miss us with a flag that big!

Hmm... *fiddles with fingers*

The early bird gets the pizza.

"The opened half-eaten pizza award goes to ..."

One, two, three, cheese!

The leaning tower of pizza.

Jeez, how lame I can get. Damn this writer's block!
The pizzas disappeared within an hour or so. Hence we're really sorry that some of you did not get any pizzas. But don't worry, many more gastronomical opportunities awaits us. Till next time!

Su Ann


  • "lol! cool pics!! :p

    really didn't expect that many people that day!! well, maybe we'll have more lunches like this eh? ;p"

    by Blogger Purring Tiger, at 12:51 pm  
  • "is that a real graffiti of MoMU? where issit? looks really nice!"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:54 pm  
  • "haha its our banner. we hired a malaysian graffiti artist to design it... glad u like it =)"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:52 pm  
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hey all!!!

Welcome back to a spanking new semester!

Obviously the return to Uni is something worth celebrating, hence we will be having a FREE pizza lunch come this Friday, just to welcome them noobs who came in to the awesomest, gloriousest, home-to-the-geniuses-of-the-world Melbourne Uni with the July intake, and of course, to see all you old members also la!!!

Anyhoots, will leave you with the details...

Date: 27th July 2007
Time: 12-2pm
Venue: Mary Cooke A (2nd
floor of Union House - when you get up from the stairs, walk straight ahead, and
then turn right at the end)

Alrighty!!! That's about it, and I should probably mention, come early whilst the pizzas are still there!!! Now's not the time to practise traditional Malaysian lateness where food's involved.

Hope to see you guys there chomping on some pepperoni!!! :D:D:D

Ciau and gluck with readjusting to waking up early again! Grrh!

Su Vyn


A new semester - A new start for the freshers

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One more week and we have to get use to the routine of waking up for our classes. Running from one building to another. Catching up with friends we have not seen for a month or so.

One more week and some make new friends as they begin their first year studying in the University of Melbourne. For you guys, I say enjoy the next few years. Join a society. Join a production. Whatever it is, do not miss out on the other half of university life.

So, to everyone have a great semester and welcome to Semester 2 2007.