Malaysians of Melbourne University MoMU: August 2007

Kenduri Details

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The all important question on your minds...


Gado Gado
Roti Canai
Sambal Ikan Bilis

Beef Rendang
Curry Ayam
Sayur Lodeh
Satay Ayam with Gravy
Nasi Goreng
Mee Goreng
Sambal Ikan Pedas

Bubur Cha Cha

And free flow of soft drinks to wash it all down =)

Not satisifed? A LUCKY few will go home with some fabulous prizes!

Grand Prize:
A 3 day tour from Melbourne to Adelaide, taking in the Great Ocean Road and the Grampians on the way! This prize also includes a flight back from Adelaide to Melbourne. (Courtesy of STA Travel)

(Courtesy of Bluespirit)

2 Autographed Too Phat CDs!

And many more!

Hehe by the way some of you have been asking what the dress code is for the night. It is:


That just means try to look good but you don't need to rent a tux or buy an expensive dress! Also, people who come with traditional costumes will be rewarded with GOODIE BAGS!


Everyone, your NEW committee!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Herro people!

First up, I would like to tell you guys that our MoMU kuih and teh tarik store at the Festival of Nations today was an AWESOME success. A big THANK YOU to all you people who came by to melanggani our humble little shop. We lurve you muchly :)

Also, a leetle bit of old news to post up - the election results!!! I give you guys *dum dum dum* the 2007/2008 MoMU committee!!!

Su Ann ONG

Vice President
Cheng Min TEO

Rozian SETH

Justin YOW

Activities Director
Jun Wey LEE

Assistant Activities Director
Jing Harn TEO

Publicity Director
Zhao Kai YEE

Assistant Publicity Director
Sherlyn LAW

Liaisons Director
Weng Kiat KONG

Assistant Liaisons Director
Si Huai (CY) YEAW

These are all really awesome hardworking people, and we have no doubt at all that they will continue to develop the club MoMU to new heights. So come next week, we will be officially handing over the reins to the new committee. So... look out for them on campus la - I'm sure they'll be pottering around planning the next activity which I have no doubt will be a huuge success :)

And also, here's a leetle message from the incoming president, Su Ann...

Hey everyone!

I have had the honour of serving MoMU for the past term, and I have seen MoMU grow to what it is today – a simple and casual, yet dynamic and friendly club. On behalf of the newly elected committee, I would like to thank you for placing your confidence in us. We will dedicate every ounce of determination and energy inside ourselves to bring you a bigger, better, and more enjoyable MoMU.

Our club wouldn't have thrived so well over the past one and a half years, if it wasn't for the support of you members, who have attended our events and have made our effort and time worthwhile. Once again, I would like to thank you for giving us your never-ending support. As president of the 2007/2008 term, I would like to encourage everyone to voice out their ideas and opinions. We at MoMU will always try to bring you what we "think" is best for you. But of course, nobody knows what is best for you but you yourself. If you have any ideas or feedback (be it positive or negative), please do share it with us. There is always room for improvement, and we can always find a way of making the club better. Remember, your opinion counts!

Year 2008 will be just as awesome as this year, if not better! That being said, I hope to see you guys at two of our grandest events this year, the Merdeka Countdown and Kenduri Malaysia and our future activities. Come along, celebrate Malaysia's big FIVE-O!

Su Ann
President, 2007/2008

Alrightay, that's it for now! And on a final note, it's been great being MoMU secretary and of course, a big THANK YOU to all of you who have frequented and supported our activities. Like Su Ann says, every single one of our successful activities/events can only be attributed to you guys - So, really THANK YOU! And good luck with the rest of the semester!

PS - Bought tickets to our Merdeka dinner and countdown? Come lah come lah!!! Give face to the last event the outgoing committee is organising! Pretty please with cherry and cream on the top? *smiles winningly*

Su Vyn
the *sniff* outgoing Secretary

Aiseh! Kuih-Muih!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Look at what we have to offer during Festival of Nations 2007!

As per the previous semesters, we are again selling Kuih and Teh Tarik due to popular demand. Come satisfy your cravings with our mouth-watering menu.

Feeling blue?
Have a bite of the local favourite: Pulut Kaya

Pul­ut kaya – Plain glutinous rice served with kaya (jam made from pandan leaves.)
Always a winner among everybody.

Here's one for all those yam lovers out there: Yam Kuih

Yam kuih – A rice cake made out of yam, steamed to give a soft purple texture. Yum!

Be spoilt with colours with the sensational Kuih Lapis!

Kuih lapis – A nine-layer glutinous rice cakes for the Straits-born Chinese wedding speciality.


Never heard of Kuih Salat? Then come and try it!
Kuih Salat - Similiar to Kuih Talam, but with a glutinous rice base.

More kuih will be there like this Tapioca kuih!
Tapioca kuih - Baked kuih of tapioca mixed in sweet pandan-flavoured custard.

Last but not least, our two-tone heaven: Kuih Talam.
Kuih talam – generally known as steamed coconut pudding.
It is a delicacy enjoyed by all walks of Malaysian life.

These delicious kuih-muih will be sold for :

for 1 piece of kuih.

$4 for 5 pieces of kuih.

$1.50 for a cup of teh tarik.

If you buy 5 pieces of kuih and is a MoMU member, you're entitled to a FREE teh tarik! (Membership card required)

But don't worry, if you're a non-member, just add $1 and you get teh tarik too!
That's 5 pieces of kuih + 1 teh tarik for only $5!

Please take note that no containers will be provided for purchases less than 10 pieces of kuih. So if you wish to take them home, do bring your own containers for your convenience.

However, if you decided that you immensely enjoy our selection of kuih and would like to buy more, we will gladly pack them in transparent plastic containers when you purchase 10 pieces or more!

We also have Apok Sago to tantalize your tastebuds but unfortunately we do not have an image available.

So the only way to find out is to be at North Court, Union House on Tuesday (28 August) and Wednesday (29 August). Our stall will be opened from 12pm to 3pm both days till stocks run out. Look out for the Malaysian flag and we'll see you there!

by Chong Shen & Su Ann

Sorry to crash in on this post guys!!

But guess who's bringing sexy back?

Come to our Merdeka Night Kenduri and check out who!!

And at the same time, be thrilled with our performances and giveaways!

by Erwin


  • "kuih "tapioca" is kuih bingka ubi. and kuih salat, isn't that kuih seri muka? hehe. :)"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:49 am  
  • "Hey Z,

    You are absolutely right.
    Kuih "tapioca" is also known as kuih bingka ubi.


    And Kuih Salat is also and I suppose more widely known as Kuih Seri Muka.
    (since only one site in the first page of results showed it)

    But thanks for telling us. We get to know their common names.

    Now, does anyone know how to explain pandan to caucasians?"

    by Blogger miszmilk, at 4:24 pm  
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Malaysian Youngster Catches PSV's Eye

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

PSV Eindhoven are interested in a promising Malaysian teenager after seeing him in action during the Champions Youth Cup currently being held in the Asian nation.

Under-19 defender Mohd Asraruddin, who can play at left-back or in the middle of defence, has caught the eye of the Dutch powerhouse and has been offered a two-week training spell in the Netherlands.

“We saw player No. 3 (Asraruddin) play against us and the match before and we came away impressed,” PSV coach Peter Dekkers told The Star newspaper.

“We would like to take him to PSV for a few weeks and see more of him in action,” added the coach.

The youngster also impressed PSV scout Piet de Visser.

“He is a good captain and has a good left foot," said de Visser. “He is very strong, fast and has good passing skills. Many defenders just defend well but are unable to create moves, this boy can do both very well. We look forward to having him at PSV.”

Good luck kid. Make us proud!

MoMU AGM and Elections

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hi all,

Firstly would like to say that us at the MoMU committee have all had a great time working together. But then we're like damn old edi la, and we need to step down to pass the work on to you younger people :p

Soo... our elections are coming up this Friday, and would be awesome if all of you really enthusiastic members could swing by to vote or run for a committee position!!!

Anyhoo, details as follows...
Meeting: Annual General Meeting
Date: 24th August 2007 (Friday)
Time: 12.00pm
Venue: Joe Nap Rooms A & B (2nd floor of Union House)

Essentially, what we will be doing in the AGM is ratifying our club constitution, making some necessary amendments and voting the official committee in. Any MoMU member from Melbourne University is free to run for the committee.

Those of you who are interested in running for the committee, please do email us by next Thursday (23rd August 2007) or earlier to finalise - and we'll arrange the proceedings.

The committee positions up for grabs are as follows...

President (1)
Vice-President (1)
Secretary (1)
Treasurer (1)
Activities Director (1)
Assistant Activities Director (1)
Publicity Director (1)
Assistant Publicity Director (1)
Liaisons Director (1)
Assistant Liaisons Director (1)

For descriptions about what you have to do as a committee member, click here.

Oh and please do note that nominations for committee positions will be called out in the IGM, and no proxies are permitted (ie you have to be in the meeting in person if you wish to vote, or run for a position). Also, due to VSU and student union regulations, at least 2 members of the executive committee (ie President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary) must be members of the student union.

I got many emails from people interested in running for a committee position - so I better see many many MoMU members at the AGM!!!

Come along and get involved in Malaysian politics!

The agenda and the current club constitution have already been emailed to you guys! So take a look la :)

Ohtayla! Ciao and cya at the AGM! :D

Su Vyn


Merdeka Plans

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Main Event:
Before-Party aka Countdown:
For more info just enlarge the pics =)

If you attend both (wah so patriotic!) you get a discount!

Why not? Malaysia only turns 50 once!


Coming Up verrry Soon...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hey all!

Tis a busy month coming up ahead (wattodo? Merdeka Month ma) Anyhoots, just to keep you guys updated, brief summary coming right up...

24th August 2007: MoMU AGM and Elections
This is super duper important - because it's about electing the new committee people!!! So, for all you budding politicians/young leaders/go-getters, come la and try run for president or vp or secretary or treasurer or just anything else la. The future of MoMU is in your hands (yes, yes I know I'm super corny - but shoosh, tis MY blogpost!!! *blek*)

28th August - 29th August 2007: MoMU kuih stall at Festival of Nations
We'll be selling kuih and teh tarik, y'all!!! So come and buy some, yes? Guaranteed to be tasty and cause diabetes wan :D:D:D

30th August 2007: Countdown to MERDEKA!!!
We'll be welcoming our country's 50th birthday with a big bang by partying the night away! Woot! This is an event NOT TO BE MISSED - so be there people!!!

31st August 2007: Kenduri Merdeka 2007
Because Malaysia's 50th birthday is so super duper important - must have TWO celebrations wan!!! There will be a yummylicious Malaysian style buffet, colourful performances and of course, muchos lucky draw giveaways - another MUST COME event - so come lah k? Pretty please? :D:D:D

Now that you guys have a brief idea of what's in store, look out for the emails, coming blogposts and of course the posters/flyers that will be showing up at many miscellaneous places on campus. And, of course, bring all your friends along to our events. We'd love if you guys would help us turn these events into phenomenal successes :D


Su Vyn


  • "ermm...pardon me but will the posts be updated with the venues and details as they come along? I mean there's little to work here with."

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:59 pm  
  • "Hi definitely will be updated - like the post says, this is just to give you guys a heads-up of stuff to come :) keep an eye out for future emails/blogposts yes?"

    by Blogger M.o.M.U., at 2:18 am  
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Jalur Gemilang, MoMU Style!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Nice right? What are you waiting for? Swing by the MoMU table at Union House during lunchtime and sign our flags!!!

Disclaimer: Although freedom of speech is encouraged, PLEASE refrain from leaving political and/or racist remarks. Don't be bloody idiots!

Ooh and finally, a word from our resident Activities Director, Su Ann:

"Lastly, do not forget about our upcoming MoMU AGM (in 2 weeks!). If you wish to contribute your undying love for MoMU or entice your future employees with a delicious resume, be ready to run for a spot in 2007/2008 MoMU committee. Or if you think you can do better than us! Show us MoMUians by nominating yourself. More information to come very soon!



  • "August!!! You're evil. I hope I hit you at paintball :P"

    by Blogger miszmilk, at 12:56 am  
  • "huh? who is not prepared? ;p

    the flag looks really cool la! go momu!!"

    by Blogger Purring Tiger, at 9:28 am  
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Monday, August 06, 2007


Straight after the awesomest ski trip evar - MoMU brings you *drumroll* PAINTBALL!!! Yes ah everyone, here's the opportunity to live out your Counter Strike fantasies and pelt the enemy in splatters of green, yellow and neon pink :D :D

There's no better way to spend a glorious Sunday afternoon I say!!!

Anyhoo, before August scolds me for rambling on and on (Meanie!), I give you the details first la!

DATE: 12th August 2007 (Sunday)
TIME: 1.00pm-5.00pm
VENUE: Oakleigh (we'll be taking the train there, so we'll all meet at Melbourne Central - underneath the clock tower - get the Sunday Saver tickets ready!!!)
PRICE: $55 for members and $60 for non-members (inclusive of first 200 bullets)

For those trigger-happy people pricing for additional bullets are as follows

100 paintballs (after 1st inclusive 200 bullets) - $25
300 paintballs - $65
600 paintballs - $109
900 paintballs - $145

For further info, please refer to the poster yes - or, drop us an email. Promise I'll answer!!!

And, as per usual, tix will be sold at our MoMU booth, located at Union House from 12-2pm all week :D

Alrightey, now that that's all done - I shall be seeing you people at Union House - buying tickets to the awesomest paintball trip evar!!!


Su Vyn :)


You Must NOT Miss

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Our upcoming events, because we have so many things planned that I've been missing out on vital napping time due to meetings.
*peers at eyebags*

Anyhoo! Here's a little list of our upcoming activities:

Winter Ski Trip (full! Wheee I'm going to snowball everyone!)
3 August - 5 August 2007

12 August 2007

MoMU Elections (super important!!! Must come. Must run for positions also.)
24 August 2007

Merdeka Countdown! (Our 50th Merdeka yo!)
30 August 2007

Merdeka Day Dinner
31st August 2007

These are all tentative dates, so they're subject to change depending on whether we can confirm the venue bookings and stuff
But doesn't excuse you all from coming :P
Hope Week 2's treating everyone well...I on the other hand am broke from buying textbooks. :(
Any donations?? ^^