Malaysians of Melbourne University MoMU: October 2007

Lady Luck sings...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good luck to everybody for their upcoming exams!

Whether you are already grasping a H1 in your hand or burning the midnight oil, MoMU wishes all the best to you.

Our recent Hari Raya mini-Open House was quite a success with the free food running out within the first half hour on most days. Sorry if you didn't have the chance to get any and if we might have been too strict with the membership cards. We know there are lots of freeloaders out there who just love freebies and after all, this event was organized for you members! Which is why one should always keep their membership card tucked in their purse or wallet all the time. You never know if there is a nifty discount at one of our sponsors or special events like this!

Anyway, here's a really nice video by some of our members and the 2006/2007 committee . Thanks for spreading the Hari Raya cheer around!

The new kids on the block!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Congratulations to the Co-opted Officers 07/08!

There was a huge turnout this year, with experience and skills that surpassed our expectations. And it gave the directors headaches over who should they pick. But in the end, there were officers to be elected and the chosen ones are :

IT Officer
  1. Jason Liew
Activities Officers
  1. Al Zaquan
  2. Rong Xiu, Ling
  3. Sarah Quek
  4. Albert Wong
  5. Loy Young, Ching
Liaisons Officers
  1. Jay Patel
  2. Mevelyn Ong
  3. Denise Cheah
Publicity Officers
  1. Ai Ming, Chow
  2. Wing Yan, Ho
  3. Yunn Shin, Chen
To those who missed out, please don't be discouraged. Many of you are really capable and if we could, we would have taken you all on board! We would love to see you participate in the future elections and future activities. So don't give up on all that enthusiasm.

The committee page has also been updated! Click *here* or at the "Committee" link at the top of the page to have a look at the people who was elected during the AGM in August.

In the meantime, everyone should come swing by 2nd Floor Union House 1-2pm on the 16th,17th and 18th October to meet the new faces behind the MoMU team. Don't forget your MoMU Membership Card and treat yourself to free food!

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin

Have a festive and memorable raya celebration!

And in conjuction with Hari Raya, MoMU will be holding a mini Open House with FREE FOOD this coming week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be a selection of Kuih. On Thursday, you get to have a taste of Nasi Kampung! Unfortunately there would be limited amounts of food so it is a first come first serve basis.

Date: 16, 17 & 18 October (Tuesday - Thursday)
Time: 1-2pm
Venue: Union House, 2nd Floor - look for the Malaysian Flag


If you have misplaced your card, we will have a record of your membership and will be able to replace it, so you won't miss out =). So come along and celebrate Hari Raya with us!

Remember: It's a first come first serve basis and your membership card is required.
Don't say we didn't warn you!

See you there!

From the MoMU Team.
