Malaysians of Melbourne University MoMU: March 2007

Night Market 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It started to pour and people started to leave. But this makes up for all that misery.

Teh TarikLook at me go~~

This Night Market, MoMU sold Roti John and Teh Tarik. We managed to sell quite a bit and that's all thanks to you guys. Thank you for your support! Arigato~~

MoMU GangMoMU rox~~

Was great fun meeting everyone. Hope to see this again next year!
More pics


Daylight Savings Ends!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Heya everyone!

As you were sleeping (or not), daylight savings has ended. This means you all need to push your clocks an hour back! Means we all gain an extra hour to sleep in lah hehe so enjoy it =)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Night Market

Concrete Lawn

Friday, 23rd March 2007

What time?
6.00pm till late

Pasar malam la! Apa lagi?

Look out for our MoMU stall!!
We have a surprise for
the first 50 members
to show their membership cards!!


  • "need to take a coupla showers..."

    by Blogger david, at 3:43 am  
  • "yea man! so crazy the rain came and went then came and went!!

    then.. the lights went off..

    then.. there were two guys running nude in the square!!

    then.. it was over and we need to shower"

    by Blogger Purring Tiger, at 12:03 am  
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BBQ-ed T_T

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mmm... This flag looks tasty

Sob, who wanna eat me? I'm all burnt and cooked from being out in the sun all arvo! **Someone, can't remember who, asked if anyone wanted sunscreen but I gleefully said, "Aiya won't get sunburnt wan lah"... I take that back NOW T_T Tis hurting my neck**

Good thing I had lotsa fun meeting everyone and getting to know more NOOBS! Haha!!

Rawr! I'm gonna eat everyone

Met some familiar faces..
Met new faces..
Met MORE Cempakans!! Whee my high school! Lotsa memories there!
Met a Chong Hwa gang!! Scary sial!
Met Adrian 1, Adrian 2 and maybe even an Adrian 3. Yes, there were truly many many Adrians there.

I think hor.. 1000 ppl attended our BBQ. There was so many peeps there I lost count..

(*) 黄照祥 :: 3rW1N :: Rawr :: Akira SHOCK :: says:
hey how many ppl attended the bbq ah u know ah

selfless su says:
looked to be a bout a 100 to me

Hmm.. I beg to differ.. I think she left out a zero..

There must have been 1,000 people here!! I swear!!

Anyway, people came.. late..
So we started.. late..

Everybody seemed to rush to the BBQ pit.. WHY?? Are you guys that hungry?? Tsk tsk.. Think MoMU will feed you till you're full?? That's about right! But not before you guys get to know one another and played some games!

Yes we randomly separated everyone into groups. I was Team Leader 2!! Go Team 2!! You are winners!! The other teams, they're noobs! HAHA!!

We played "Passing the peanuts with chopsticks" game.. Some team won.. Think it was Team 5.. Grr!! They had less team members than we did!! Serious shit! I think my team had the most members loh..

Anyway, off to getting more food after the game.. By then, I was MFC, MoMU Fried Chicken..

We had planned to play another "interesting" game.. Those who attended last year's BBQ should know. The "Swing the banana" game!! Too bad we did not have enough time.

Tis all your fault for coming late!! Next time come earlier mah.. This is Australia after all. Not Malaysia. A wise old man once said "When in Australia do as the Australians do". ^_^

Anyway, it was great fun knowing everyone.. Wanna have a look at some pics?


Don't forget.. Next up, MoMU Stall @ Night Market on Friday, 23rd March 2007!!! See you guys there :D


  • "hey! I also got sunburned!!
    I came home and then my neck had two tones. *argh*

    Anyway I think 100 ppl came. 1000 is exaggeration :P"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:02 am  
  • "Don't remember if Team 5 really had less members. But we trained hard, came prepared, and were focused and hungry (literally) for a win.

    The corn chips were awesome."

    by Blogger Jeffrey Hardy Quah, at 5:08 pm  
  • "100la!!! my powers of estimation are damn amazing wan!"

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:54 pm  
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Admin, Activities and BBQs

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello poiples!

Hope everyone's settling in just fine now that we're already in Week 3 of uni. By now some of us should've gotten more info about assignments and assessment and all that horrible stuff. I know I have. I'm taking this ridiculous subject where we actually have *shudder* homework to do every week which we actually have to hand in. The worst part is it actually counts! And I'm not talking no piddly little 5% amount's worth 20% of my entire grade! It's so damn cow stressing...euuurghhh

Anyhoots, a quick update on MoMU and the life of your beloved committee members. Because of everyone's clashing schedules, it's been a tad difficult to organize a proper meeting for all the departments, so as yet we haven't actually all met up yet. Luckily, we have very competent and responsible Activities, Liaisons and Publicity Officers who are diligently taking care of their tasks despite not having me to nag the crap out of them. Kudos to everyone for their work so far!

We've also got a couple of admin issues to clear up...according to our email inbox, these include some hoo-ha about a multicultural sports tournament, linking to a new student website, an international student transport concession meeting, and a potential contract which could score some income for the per all good decisions, needs a little bit of discussing first.

Our next big activities are also coming up...the Welcome BBQ as well as our stall in the upcoming Night Market! MoMU is practically a full-time job, I keed you not.

If you guys are free this Saturday lunchtime (1 pm to be more precise), hop along to our Welcome BBQ. It was a pretty big hit last year with a large and happy turnout (free wad!), so we're hoping to see a similar sambutan this year :D We seem to have a lot of friendly, chatty and all-round gorgeous new members, so come make some new friends and enjoy the gardens Melbourne is famous for! Plus, can see me *cheh wah*

Oh! If anyone needs vegetarian food, email us and let us know beforehand yup? We're kind and understanding souls - we'll make sure there's food for you too. No excuses now! :P So see you all there this Sat!

  • "i bring uncle can?his name uncle trini,from pakistan-he no eat meat,only chicken.and sometimes karipap.he says he only go if got french maid serve him-dirty uncle.but ksian the fella got flu or cough or smtg,will die soon."

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:48 pm  
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iMaid Cafe in Canada

Sunday, March 11, 2007

OMG! A restaurant filled with servers with French maid outfits! Unfortunately that's in Canada and not here in Melbourne >>

Now who's gonna ask their daddy to open one just like that in Melbourne? ^.^



City Tour and Welcome BBQ

Saturday, March 10, 2007

You probably heard all the members manning the sign-up tables at Union House talk all about it. "We are having a City Tour this Sunday blah blah blah ..... and Welcome BBQ next Saturday!"

Well it's just around the corner and it's really about time we issue those updates!

City Tour

Date : 11th March 2007 (Sunday)
Venue : Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne)
Time : 1pm to 3pm

Put on your walking shoes and be ready to take walk along the streets of Melbourne City.
Starting off from Sidney Myer Asia Centre on Swanston St. we will be strolling all around the city checking out more than 10 checkpoints.Not only that, you get to find out where you can benefit as a MoMU member!

Oh! Don't forget to buy your Sunday Saver. Only $2.50 for the entire Sunday to ALL zones.
I'm sure with an offer like that, you wouldn't want to walk the entire City Tour route :P.

As this programme is aimed at participants of MoMU's Buddy System, you don't have to be part of the Buddy System to attend the City Tour. Just send us an email letting us know your name and contact number so we can provide extra "tour guides" if needed :D

Welcome BBQ
Date : 17th March 2007 (Saturday)
Venue : Flagstaff Gardens BBQ pit
Time : 1pm to 3pm

It's back and this time it's going to be bigger than ever. With 200+ new recruited members, we just want to thank all of you by inviting you guys to a FREE BBQ. That's right. No strings attached. Have a feast and we ensure you that Halal food is available. Vegetarian food is also provided upon request. You can also join our Gold Coin Raffle Ticket and have a go at winning a prize. Just like last years, we had tons of members in stitches with some team building games. If games are not your thing, we make sure you have fun just watching it.

As not many of you would be familiar to Flagstaff Gardens, here are some maps to provide you a good idea of where it will be held.

(map taken from gate1travel)

You can reach Flagstaff Gardens (symbolized by the red star) by walking along Latrobe St to William St and start heading towards Dudley St. The BBQ pit is located nearer to Dudley St. It is also right behind Queen Victoria Market (pass the parking lot)
(Flagstaff Gardens map taken from Google)

Here is a map of Flagstaff Gardens. The BBQ pit is circled in red with a nice big WE WILL BE HERE sign. So with all these clear instructions, I hope no one will go missing. If anyone is still confused or unclear about where the heck is our FREE Welcome BBQ, just drop us a comment or email and we will help you to find your way there.

Feel free to click on the pictures to get a bigger picture.

So take out your calendar and mark these dates.
You certainly don't want to miss out this time!


Pizza Lunch

It was a bright sunny afternoon, and South Lawn was bobbing with heads by lunch time.
In a secluded corner hung a banner and flag which screamed no other but MoMU to the public.
It was MoMU's Free Pizza Lunch event held at 1-2pm at the South Lawn.

This event also started our Buddy Project, where senior students volunteer to take new students under their wing and guide them to the life of being a Melbourne student. Lots of mingling took place among the 26 mentees and 8 mentors. It wasn't long before the heart melting aroma of freshly baked pizzas drew the crowd to feast upon it. Even some outsiders stole some slices. (Grrr... )

But hey, we had more than enough pizzas and had to end up begging members to eat up. Wishing you were there now ?

After some time we started dividing the crowd into groups and from the looks of it, they all got on all fine and dandy. Besides the normal introductions and small talk, I heard they were already planning dinner and beach picnics for the weekend. These people are really getting ready to get the ball rolling.

*smile for the camera!*

*I say we all do homework at his house, or not...*

I'm happy to say that the Pizza Lunch was a job well done!
Can't wait till we go on the City Tour and attend the Welcome BBQ!
More information coming soon!


  • "hi! omg when was this free pizza lunch thing?! i didn noe about it..:( haha~ sure looks like it was fun though! :)

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 pm  
  • "Hey Sarah!

    Don't worry!! We're having a free BBQ soon! Don't miss out on that one :)

    Anyway the free pizza lunch thang is part of our mentor-mentee program. It's a get to know one another session..

    So anyway hope to see you around~"

    by Blogger Purring Tiger, at 1:40 pm  
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Earthquake in Indonesia.. Tremors in Malaysia & Singapore..

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I was chatting with a friend from Singapore when she said "My TV is still blurred from the earthquake earlier". I was shocked.

"Yeah.. There was an earthquake earlier at 2pm."

Yeah, so just letting you guys know what's going on around back home in South East Asia.. Read more at TheStar >>

Also, you guys becareful out there. Just be wary of the people around you. A Malaysian man was killed in Springvale. It is said to be a random attack >>



Thursday, March 01, 2007

A teeny little adjustment to the previous post...

It's not only girls who get free champagne before 12, but boys too!

And it's not only free champagne, but also free beer!

Wheeeee let the drunken weekend begin! Don't want to get drunk also nevermind, you still get very cheap entry into one of the prettiest clubs in town. It's open air yo!

So to recap:

This Friday,
$5 entry into Beachclub, Docklands
Free champagne AND beer for all boys and girls who enter BEFORE 12 am.

See below for an e-flyer with more details. Errr, I know it says entry is $15 but this Friday it's $5. Bring your student cards okay! Don't forget, student cards are super important!

See you guys there!